

(from the Employee Handbook)

All advertising opportunities sold to outside entities by Wallace State departments, programs or student groups for fundraising should meet guidelines for our student’s 行为准则以及其他学院和员工规章制度. No advertising supporting or containing references to alcohol, drugs, obscenities, gambling, lewd or offensive expression, threatened physical abuse, firearms, or discriminatory expression is acceptable. Business logos are encouraged, as well as expression of support for teams or individuals. All advertising sold should be approved by the respective coach, advisor, or program chair/department director, as well as the Executive Vice President and Director of 传播和市场营销,然后被接受和出版.

Any advertising placed to promote Wallace State Community College, its programs, services, events or activities must be approved in advance by the Director of Communications and Marketing. 这包括购买营销材料或其他促销活动 显示澳门威尼斯人APP下载州名称和/或徽标的物品.]



In most cases events are added to the college calendar by the events office once an 收到并批准活动表格(可在内部网访问).



(from the College Catalog)

The following is a list of student information that may be made available by the College without prior consent of the student:

1. Student’s name;

2. Student’s address (local and permanent);

3. Student’s telephone number;

4. Student’s place of birth;

5. Student’s major field of study;

 6. Student’s participation in officially recognized activities, clubs, organizations, and athletics;

 7. 获得的学位和奖励;

8. The previous institution most recently attended by the student; and

9. 校队运动员的身高和体重.

Much of the information listed above is routinely published in College publications. However, if any student desires for any of the above listed information to not be published on the respective student, the College will refrain from making public such information on that student, provided that the student makes a request for the information to be withheld, and the request is made prior to the end of the late registration for the given academic term. 要求不公开目录信息 may be completed in the Admissions Office.

Students may also complete a request for non-disclosure of photographs that may be 用于大学营销或信息.



(from the Employee Handbook)

Effective relationships with the news media are important to the College and its employees. They provide excellent opportunities for sharing the story of the good things happening at WSCC and enable us to deal appropriately with difficult issues as they arise.

  • The Office of Communications and Marketing coordinates all media relations and publicity for Wallace State Community College. 媒体代表应与通讯部联系 在进入校园之前与员工或学生交谈.
  • All employees should contact Communications and Marketing prior to speaking with media 大学相关事务的代表. Please notify this office if you 注意校园里无人陪伴的媒体代表.
  • The President is the only official spokesperson for Wallace State Community College, 只有她才能委派这个责任.
  • Employees requiring publicity and/or photos for a campus event should contact the 传播和营销办公室至少在活动前两周.
  • Adherence to this policy will ensure the coordination of all communication to the media for maximum desired effect.



Visit:  http://tsp.felisayslisten.com/non-discrimination



(from the College Catalog)

Photographs and/or video taken by the institution, or on behalf of the institution, remain college property and may be distributed for publications, newspapers, commercials, student newspapers or yearbooks, or other appropriate sources unless the student signs 向招生办公室索取保密表格.



(From the Employee Hanbook)

The College recognizes that the internet provides unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information on particular topics using a wide variety of social media. 学院进一步认识到,员工和学生 have free speech rights to engage in speech on topics that are of public concern.  At the same time, employees and students’ use of social media can pose risks to the 大学的安全、运作、机密信息或声誉. To minimize those risks, the College expects its employees and students to adhere to the following policy regarding social media use.

Social media should never be used in a way that violates any ACCS or College policy.  For example, employees and students are prohibited from using social media to violate confidentiality or privacy obligations, or to engage in unwelcome, harassing, threatening, 或歧视行为,无论在哪个论坛.

True threats, intimidation, and stalking on social media directed at ACCS or College students or staff is prohibited. 真正的威胁是(1)意图的严肃表达 to commit an act of unlawful violence against a particular individual or identifiable 群体,如果(2)该群体有理由害怕暴力威胁. This includes threats to self.  恐吓是威胁特定个体的身体行为 意图将这些人置于身体伤害或死亡的恐惧之中.  Stalking is (1) a course of conduct committed with the intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person that (2) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to (3) that person, an immediate family member, a spouse, or an intimate partner of that person; or (4) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person listed above.

Employees and students shall not use College names, images, logo, or other branding in social media without the written approval of the appropriate College authority.

Employees should not post or otherwise comment on or to social media during the workday.

Free speech rights apply in the classroom, in all other programs and activities of 我们的机构,以及学生和员工的演讲. Great care must be taken not to inhibit open discussion, academic debate, and expression of personal 观点,尤其是在课堂上. Nonetheless, speech or conduct of a harassing, sexual, or hostile nature exceed the protections of academic freedom and constitute prohibited harassment.

Any speech by students or employees that prevent the College from (a) operating safely or effectively, (b) maintaining proper discipline, (c) that threatens the integrity and/or public trust of the College, or (d) causes reputational harm to the College as determined by the President can result in disciplinary action, including reprimands, suspension, or termination.  这包括帖子、评论或点赞 be perceived as offensive to any current or potential student or employee of the college.  The College may also require deletion, withdrawal, or apologies related to personal social media activity.

While the right to free speech applies to communication in all forms, including in social media, the College encourages civil and respectful discourse, especially by its employees. 我们都对彼此负责,对彼此的思考和体贴 我们每个人都是这个社区的重要组成部分.  The College encourages and requires 专业,成熟,诚实的社交媒体沟通. The College believes that derogatory, incorrect, misleading, cruel, obscene, crude, vulgar, offensive, profane, threatening, harassing, hostile, racist, or sexist comments are unprofessional 在社区或公共话语中没有立足之地. 

The College encourages and requires its employees to use good judgment about what is posted on social media. 记住,你所说的一切都会影响到学校. Whether you identify yourself as a College employee or not in personal online social media profiles, even if such accounts are private or have otherwise restricted access, make it clear in your social media activity that you are speaking on your own behalf. However, be aware that making this statement will not shield employees from disciplinary 如果帖子违反此政策,将采取措施.

This policy is not intended to restrict speech protected by state or federal law.  However, unprotected social media speech that violates this policy can result in disciplinary action.


Social Media Guidelines for Employees


  1. Be Responsible. 博客、维基、社交媒体和照片分享以及其他形式的在线对话 (unless posted by authorized WSCC personnel) are individual interactions, not corporate communications. WSCC员工,学生和志愿者个人负责 their posts. 选择通过各种形式的社交媒体进行交流的教师, such as Facebook, may consider separating this account from their personal one, e.g., johnsmithwscc.
  2. Be Smart. 博客或社交媒体上的帖子对全世界都是可见的. Remember that what you write will be public for a long time—be respectful to the college, employees, and students, and protect your privacy. 另外,请记住,没有任何内容被真正删除 the Internet.
  3. Include a Disclaimer. If you participate in an online/social media forum in an unofficial capacity, make 很明显你是在为自己说话,而不是代表WSCC. If your post has to do with your work or subjects associated with WSCC, use a disclaimer such as this: "The postings on this site are my own and do not represent WSCC's positions, strategies or opinions.“请注意,这个处方并不能免除你 held accountable for what you write.
  4. Respect Privacy of Others. Do not publish or cite personal details and photographs about WSCC employees, students, or vendors without their permission. 任何泄露机密信息的行为 be subject to the same WSCC personnel policies that apply to wrongful dissemination 通过电子邮件、对话和书面通信获取信息.
  5. Write What You Know. 你对学校有独特的看法,基于你的天赋、技能和 current responsibilities. 分享你的知识、激情和个性 在你的帖子中写下你所知道的. If you are interesting and authentic, 你会吸引那些了解你的专长和兴趣的读者. Do not disseminate gossip, hearsay, or assumptions that are detrimental to the college and its interests.
  6. Be Respectful. It is fine to disagree with others, but criticizing or insulting readers, employees, supervisors, and students is not. 尊重你的听众,不要说脏话, personal insults, ethnic slurs or other disparaging language to express yourself.
  7. Work Matters. Ensure that your blogging/social media activity does not interfere with your work commitments. 如果你不确定是否合适,与你的主管讨论 在工作时间出版材料.
  8. Don't Tell Secrets. The nature of your job may provide you with access to confidential information regarding WSCC, WSCC employees, or students. 尊重并维护已有的机密性 是由FERPA委托给您并强制执行的. Do not divulge or discuss proprietary information, confidential materials, internal documents, or personal details about other people.
  9. WSCC has the right to ask you to remove or edit posts pertaining to the college. Posts include, but are not limited to, those that have misinformation or spelling 错误、不适当或包含专有信息.



(from the College Catalog)

Wallace State Community College recognizes the value of social media in communicating and engaging with students. 学院的社交媒体网站推广学院课程, 服务和活动,促进学院的使命. Students are encouraged to contribute constructively through posting on college-sponsored social media sites.


  1. Wallace State maintains official pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn, among others. 这些页面的目的是发展澳门威尼斯人APP下载州 virtual community, supporting recruiting and retention, and fostering interactivity with the college.
  2. College-sponsored social media accounts are monitored by the WSCC Marketing Department. Questions and comments are welcome; however, inappropriate or uncivil posts will be removed. 
  3. Public expression of opinion by students shall be in accordance with the terms and WSCC学生行为准则中规定的条件.
  4. Public expression in conflict with the college’s Non-Discrimination Policy may contribute 到一个充满敌意的教育环境,因此被禁止. 
  5. 禁止披露专有或机密信息.
  6. WSCC may remove any posts that do not directly support its mission, programs, or services. Posts by third parties that appear to be advertisements for other companies or organizations may also be removed.
  7. If an area or student group wishes to have an item placed on a college site, send the request to the Director of Marketing. 


  1. Obtain permission from a supervisor. 
  2. Obtain permission from the Director of Marketing in advance of the site creation. Included in the request should be the name of social media site(s) the area wishes 使用,目标受众和目的的社会媒体网站. 
  3. 学生和员工都不能使用个人账户(一).e., Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) to create Wallace State sites. 在某些情况下,是澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的通用电子邮件账户 (I.e., maneissue@wallacestate.Edu)可能需要创建社交媒体网站.
  4. The college requires administrative rights to any social media site that is sanctioned or sponsored by WSCC. 



The College makes no guarantees that the services of the website will be error-free, 不间断,或者说它会满足用户的需求. The College will not be responsible for loss of service or data due to events such as computer failure, loss of power, or security violations. 通过使用本网站,用户同意遵守 所有大学政策,州和联邦法律. The information offered represents the offerings and requirements of the current catalog, but the right is reserved to make changes in course offerings, curricula, academic policies, when it is determined by the college to do so. 从学院网站上获得的材料不是有意的 在用户和学院之间建立合同.

学院网站提供了互联网上感兴趣和使用的网站链接. The College makes no warranties about the accuracy or currency of any information on its 可从其服务访问的网站.

Material accessed through news groups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, or unofficial web pages are not officially sponsored by the College therefore all liability is disclaimed 通过这些媒介表达的数据、信息或意见. The College will not deny access to a medium that provides free speech as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of another person or violate any state or federal laws, or policies of the College.